ALGOGENE Market Data Solutions
What market data is available on ALGOGENE? The list below will get update from time to time. ASSET CLASS SYMBOL DESCRIPTION AVAILABLE FROM ...
What market data is available on ALGOGENE? The list below will get update from time to time. ASSET CLASS SYMBOL DESCRIPTION AVAILABLE FROM ...
Following this post , I have trained a model using the online Juypter Notebook. My question is how can I dep ...
Hello, I have a confuse with difference between close price data in getHistoricalBar function and close price data in market data. I just tried to make a code to get RSI. But there was a quite big dif ...
剛剛訂閱了一個algo試用, 請問哪裡可以查看algo是否運作正常? ...
Hi Algogene Community! Just one question. How can Algogene's backtest call a jupyter notebook from 'My History Jupyter Notebook'. ...
Hi, does anyone use IBKR TWS for trading? I've been getting lots of "None" type returns from IBKR's API. Is IBKR's API still doing that thing where you have to install their clien ...
Hello, I am now studying to be aware of Algogene's backtesting engine. I run this code and the result shows this result. CODE class AlgoEvent: ...
Suppose we already have a python package/function created on a local machine. This article will guide you through the steps to plug into ALGOGENE for backtest, live-test or real-trading. ...
Hey Algogene team, I have some strategies previously written on TradingView. After playing Algogene platform for a while, I am really impressed with your powerful system, so I am gonna to mi ...
Hello, for the live test account, I would like to change the base currency to HKD , instead of USD also the leverage to 10 , instead of 5 ...
When developing a trading algorithm, it may be the case where we have trained/built a particular model for a financial instrument and want to apply it on other financial sectors/markets. For such c ...
From my understanding, NAV and "Cumulative PnL" should remain unchanged, if there is no outstanding positions. However, from the backtest result (see highlighted below), for certain days when "Net Position" is zero, "Cumulative PnL" is not constant. ...
Hello community! According to REST API Doc , I know I can query historical OHLC data for pla ...
When I restart the algorithm, will the variables and its stored values in previous script be deleted or not? If the variable won't be deleted, can the system handle new variables I added under " __init__() "? ...
Visualizing datasets on ALGOGENE Research Lab is extremely simple. This articles shows you how to apply a popular Python charting library 'matplotlib' to acheive this. With 'matplotlib', you can cr ...
This tutorial will demonstrate how you can install Anaconda, a powerful package manager, on Microsoft Windows. What is Anaconda? Anaconda is a distribution of Python. It is free and open-source and makes package management and deployment simpler. Keep reading to see how. It is the standard platform for Python data science an ...
Overview It is common that a trading algorithm involves a number of user defined trading parameters. To optimize the algorithm's trading performance, developers usually need to tweet the parameters, re-run ...
この例は技術文書で見ました。 「isSync」が何に使われるのか説明できる人はいますか? def = 'USDJPY' ...
A data format is the arrangement of data fields. It defines how data is encoded for storage in a computer file, and the way to display and process. A good data researcher should at least know: ...
Hello team, I am trying to implement a stop loss in my strategy. I’m not quite sure how to do it. Can someone provide more guidance? ...
Here comes a new platform feature on ALGOGENE to directly work with Jupyter Notebook! ...
I wonder if it is possible to perform HTTP requests on external API, like importing requests in Algogene? If it is not possible, is there any tricks to retrieve external data? ...
Hello, I found that the close order API only support market order. How can I close a position using limit order? ...
How to access news data feed and how to change the parameter of news data feed function? And does it output a dataframe or a dictionary? ...
Hi, I tried to use the getHistoricalBar to retrieve past price data based on the tech docs, but it doesnt work, got some missing evt or mevt error. ...